Decorating Your University Room | Bathroom Essential


Wow, I am so sorry that this post took so long, I completely forgot about it! But, yes the final part of this university decor (not really) list is here. I may do a few more lists seeing as I keep thinking of things to bring to uni. However, you may want to cut down on any decor if you're living extremely far away from home. Moving in and out is a big hassle..I just had to endure it, 0/10 would not willingly do it again. 

Toothbrush/Paste, Toothbrush holder, floss & Mouthwash | Obviously these items are essential and you definitely can't forget them. But, the main thing most people forget is a toothbrush holder (well I did anyway). Its much more convenient than storing it in a cup, and some are super small and cute!

Hand wash | Everyone needs to wash their hands after the bathroom!

Shower Gel/Cleanser | You may want to invest in an extra cleanser for your shower as getting out of the shower and grabbing your cleanser (wherever it may be in the bathroom) can be tedious. However, some people just always leave their cleanser in the shower, which I personally find a tad weird ._.

Shampoo & Conditioner | It can be extremely obvious, but often we tend to overlook the things we take for granted!

Bath Rug | This is extremely convenient just so you're not walking around with wet feet, however in some circumstances it is not really absolutely necessary.

Toilet Paper |  The same as the shampoo and can't be too careful can you?

Storage/Hooks | Some universities may not provide hooks or small showering shelf thing (ha!) in the bathroom. Self-adhesive hooks are easily available so you can hang towels, bath robes, jackets etc!

Towels | This includes hand towels, face towels, body towels, hair towels...who knew there were so many?

So, here is the 'final' list. More may be coming in the future. Good luck for moving in to university, and don't forget anything! I hope this has been useful!

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